Nottinghamshire County Marathon 2025

To all club runners born or resident in Nottinghamshire.

Once again, we have a collaboration with the Boston UK Marathon. It boasts the flattest full marathon course in the UK, so a possible PB course.

It takes place on Sun 13 April, with an entries closing date of midnight 23 Mar. There is a maximum entry of 800.

All entry information is at: or [email protected]

Entry fee is: £33/£35 un-att'd

Enter in the normal way, but please also e-mail me at [email protected] to confirm your eligibility to compete in the County Champs. County Champs results will be extracted from the full results, so if I haven't got your name, I won't know to look for you.

Medals awarded will be: Open, V35-44, 45-54, 55-64, all both genders, 65-74, 75+ men, 65+ women. Gold, Silver & bronze.

Standard UKA Rules for Competition for County Championship eligibility apply. See County web-site for details.

NB: You must have lived in Nottinghamshire for 9 continuous months up to 28 April 24. Don't just rely on your postcode or STD code. A small number of NG postcodes are not in Nottinghamshire, eg NG10 (Long Eaton, Sandiacre) or NG31 (Grantham).

This includes Forces personnel based in the county for at least 9 months.

If you were born in Nottinghamshire, it doesn't matter where you live, but you mustn't have competed in a different County Champs (presumably by residence) since 1 September this year, ie, the start of the competition year for road running.

Thank you.

Rob Fox, Road County Champs Co-ordinator.

Entries so far:   (10 year categories)
Lewis Boswell - Mansfield H & AC, SM/Open Men
Andrew Sutcliffe - Un-attached, M45-54/Open Men
Jarratt Perkins - Notts AC, M35-44/Open Men
Darren Hayes - Sutton H & AC,M45-54/Open Men
Joanne Stocks - Redhill RR, F45-54/Open Women
Neil Cooper - HPRC, M35-44/Open Men
Mark Hornsey - Redhill RR, M45-54/Open Men
Wyn Williams - Redhill RR, M55-64
Martin Lee - Redhill RR, M35-44