Log-in required
You must create an account or log in in order to enter this event. Please click hereAthletes to report for track events at least 60 minutes before their event in the clubhouse. Field events 30 minutes before their event directly at the event. Please Note any ATHLETE that fails to register within the allotted time, voids participation in that event. Relay teams will have a 45 min declaration time, this will be shown on timetable. Photo-finish and EDM will be in use. If you choose to enter more than one event, then the times of these may clash, we will do our best to avoid this however we cannot guarantee it. Block entries will be accepted but MUST contain ALL the above information and be signed as required. All entrants shall be deemed to have made him/herself familiar with, and agreed to be bound by the UKA Anti-Doping Rules and to submit to the authority of UK Anti-Doping in the application and enforcement of the Anti-Doping Rules. The UKA Anti-Doping Rules apply to entrants participating in the sport of Athletics, for 12 months from the 10th May 2025 whether or not the entrant is a citizen of, or resident in, the UK. Entries will be displayed on the website when received, please check as Organisers take no responsibility for lost entries CLOSING DATE Friday 18th April 2025 – ABSOLUTELY NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED Entry Declaration I declare that I am an Amateur according to UK athletics rules and have a county qualification by Birth / Residence/ H M Forces. Rule G2-S6 (Delete as Necessary)***** Town of Birth...............................(must be completed) Notes 1. Field events will comprise of six attempts for Senior and Masters. All other age groups will have FOUR attempts (a further 2 trials if achieving PB Award grade 8) except in Pole Vault and High jump. 2. Starting heights are indicated for high jump and pole vault. No jump off will be held for vertical jumps in the event of a tie. 3. Pole vaulters must provide their own poles as there will be no stadium poles. 4. Competitors MUST wear either Club, School, County, Area or National Vest (rule T5 s1) The same registered club colours must be worn by all members of a relay team. 5. U13, U15 and U17 Athletes may enter in a maximum of three individual events & U20 athletes may enter in a maximum of 5 events in one day (rule 141) 6. Masters relay team only one age group 35+ 7. Athletes may only enter one age group in any individual event. 8. In the event of unforeseen circumstances there will be no refund of entry fee. 9. Competition will be held under UKA Rules. 10. Data protection, information from this entry may be shared with others within the organisation of this event only. 11. If you choose to enter more than one event, then the times of these may clash, we will do our best to avoid this however we cannot guarantee it. 12. Steeplechase event will only go ahead with a minimum of 10 entries in female event, 10 entries in u20/Sen men and 6 entries in U17men 1500m S/C at 84cm. (combined counties) 13. Individual events may only take place if total entries are 6 or more for that event (combined counties)