Nottinghamshire Track & Field County Championships
2025 Championships:
SATURDAY 10th and SUNDAY 11th May 2025
Age Groups
U13 Girls and Boys – aged 11 or 12 on 31st August 2025
U15 Girls and Boys – aged 13 or 14 on 31st August 2025
U17 Women and Men – aged 15 or 16 on 31st August 2025
U20 Women and Men – aged 17 or over on 31st August 2025 but under 20 on 31st December 2025
Senior Women and Men – aged 20 or over on 1st January 2025
Masters Women and Men – Three categories’ ages 35-49, 50-59 and 60-74. 75+ age or over on the 15th May 2025
**Important note for Masters Entrants. The senior options on the online entry are for when there are not events for masters, but they are able to enter as seniors, such as the 5000m, which means there are not separate races for the masters within that event.
Jointly Held Championships
This is a joint Track & Field Championships to be held in conjunction with Derbyshire Athletics. Individual Championship medals will be awarded to athletes from both counties in each event.
Starting Heights |
Women |
u13g |
u15g |
u17w |
u20w |
Sen w |
M 35-49w |
M 50-59w |
M60+w |
High Jump |
1.05m |
1.15m |
1.25m |
1.25m |
1.25m |
1.25m |
1.25m |
1.25m |
Pole Vault |
- |
1.50m |
1.50m |
1.50m |
1.50m |
- |
- |
- |
Men |
u13b |
u15b |
u17m |
u20m |
Sen m |
M 35-49m |
M 50-59m |
M60+m |
High Jump |
1.10m |
1.20m |
1.30m |
1.40m |
1.50m |
1.25m |
1.25m |
1.25m |
Pole Vault |
- |
1.50m |
1.75m |
2.10m |
2.10m |
1.50m |
1.50m |
1.50m |
Implement Weights |
Women |
u13g |
u15g |
u17w |
u20w |
Sen w |
M 35-49w |
M 50-59w |
M60+w |
Discus |
- |
1kg |
1kg |
1kg |
1kg |
- |
- |
- |
Hammer |
- |
3kg |
3kg |
4kg |
4kg |
4kg |
3kg |
3kg |
Javelin |
400g |
500g |
500g |
600g |
600g |
- |
- |
- |
Shot |
2.72kg |
3kg |
3kg |
4kg |
4kg |
4kg |
3kg |
3kg |
Men |
u13b |
u15b |
u17m |
u20m |
Sen m |
M 35-49 |
M 50-59 |
M60+ |
Discus |
- |
1.25kg |
1.5kg |
1.75kg |
2kg |
2kg |
1.5kg |
1kg |
Hammer |
- |
4kg |
5kg |
6kg |
7.26kg |
7.26kg |
6kg |
5kg |
Javelin |
400g |
600g |
700g |
800g |
800g |
- |
- |
- |
Shot |
3kg |
4kg |
5kg |
6kg |
7.26kg |
7.26kg |
6kg |
5kg |
Athlete Information:
Athletes for track events MUST register in person no later than 1 hour before their event is timetabled to begin. This must be done for all events and both days. Please retain numbers for use on both days. Any track athlete who does not register for each of their events WILL NOT be allowed to compete. Own starting blocks may be used.
Athletes for field events to report direct to event 30 minutes before event is due to begin. Private throwing implements to be presented to equipment room for checking at least 1 hour before event is timetabled to begin. Pole Vaulters must provide own poles as there are no stadium poles.
Numbers are to be worn front and back (except for jumps, rule T5.7). Please pin number at each corner. Vest worn MUST be Club or School (as entered) or County, National or other representative vest (Rule T5 S1(4)). Please note Rule 5.1 regards kit - "In all events, athletes must wear clothing which is clean, and designed and worn so as not to be objectionable. The clothing must be made of a material which is non-transparent even if wet." “Athletes must not wear clothing which could impede the view of the Judges”.
U13, U15 and U17 athletes may compete in a maximum of three individual events on one day (Rule T3 S2 (1), (2) & (3)). U20 athletes may compete in a maximum of 5 events in one day (rule T3 S2(4)). Master categories as follows: Ladies and Men, 35 to 49, 50 to 59, 60 to 74 and 75+. Athletes may only enter one age group in any individual event.
In field events (except high jump and pole vault) U13, U15, U17, U20 will have four trials, (a further 2 trials will be allowed if achieving grade 1). Senior and masters will have six trials. Progression for pole vault will be in no less than 10cm intervals; progression for high jump will be in no less than 5 cm intervals, this is until 3 athletes remain or at lead official’s discretion. There will be no jump off held for vertical jumps in the event of a tie (Rule T26.8). Length of spike is limited to 6mm. The false start rule will apply to all competitors; i.e. no false starts, for any age group over and including u17. Qualification for track finals shall be 1st place and the appropriate number of fastest qualifiers (Rule T20.3). Athletes shall be excluded from participating in further events including relays, when they have qualified in heats (including field events) but then do not compete in the final without giving a valid reason to the Referee (Rule T4.4.2).
All members of relay teams must have the same county qualification (i.e. all Nottinghamshire or all Derbyshire) and wear the same registered club colours (Rule T5.3). Athletes can only compete in relay team for first claim club. Masters Relay events will be one age group only; 35+. There will be a strict 45 minute only declaration time for pre-entered clubs only; this will be advertised on the timetable.
will be approximately 45 minutes after the event finishes. If athletes do not collect medals at presentation time they may not always be presented on the podium. All trophies must be signed for by athlete (parent or guardian if under 18).
No in ear or ear covering electronic devices or mobile phones to be used in competition area. Failure to comply will lead to disqualification. Officials, competing athletes and official photographers only to be allowed in the competition area. Please DO NOT cross the infield.
If you choose to enter more than one event, then the times of these may clash; we will do our best to avoid this but cannot guarantee it. In the event of unforeseen circumstances there will be no refund of entry fee.
Photography: Anyone wishing to take photographs during the course of the competition must sign the photography sign-in sheet. We ask that you publish NO photos on social media without the permission of the parents of all the athletes in the photograph.